My daughter Cara has been asking,begging actually for a kitten. Two dogs and one cat are just not enough. She has been visiting the Mill in our town who always have kittens for adoption,texting me picture messages of the one she just HAS to have.
I'd heard that my friend Mel has kittens for free..and they are just ready to go to new homes now. They were actually born on my birthday May 31st. So seven weeks old sweet!
I stopped in Saturday to have a sneak peek at them ..and took Cara back on Sunday. I new these kittens were raised in a great loving home and the mommy is so cute,how could I resist? So here we were (even no name came along)at Walmart at 9:30pm buying a new litter box and dishes etc. The kitten food had already hopped into my grocery cart earlier yesterday.
Now we need a name..with 3 daughters all my fav names have already been used..We are leaning towards Alley,I liked Maggie, Bunny or Caramel as it was appropriate seeing it is Cara's kitten and Mel gave her to us,also she is orange and beige..and a female which is rare in itself. 75% of orange cats are male...
so here she is No Name Kitty
we love her already :))) So far Sunny our 8yr Golden,couldn't care less,Chicken our 7yr old Calico,has ran away under a bed,and Buster our 8 month Oldde English Bulldogge has yet to meet her..yikes! It's a zoo!